Page 14 - CSA Celebrity Speakers | CSA Speaker Bulletin January 2016
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World consumption as opposed to a product The aim of the meeting is to create a
Economic or industry. new type of international organisation
Forum Annual that acts as a bridge builder and
Meeting 2016 The first Industrial Revolution used serves as a strategic platform for
water and steam power to mechanise the world around it. Attending will
From 20th to 23rd January, the production. The Second used electric be truly global leaders who have
annual WEF will take place power to create mass production. The the power to make change, achieve
in Davos, Switzerland. The Third used electronics and information mutual understanding and, where
meeting provides an unparalleled technology to automate production. appropriate, push action forward.
platform for design, creation and Now this Fourth one is upon us and Leaders and thinkers such as Sir Tim
collaboration for global leaders is evolving at an exponential rather Berners-Lee and Erik Brynjolfsson,
across all disciplines to advance than a linear pace. Moreover it is who focus on the IT element of
multiple agendas. The theme this disrupting almost every industry in this revolution, along with Hans
year focuses on the global imperative every country. The opportunity of Rosling who researches the benefits
of Mastering the Fourth Industrial billions of people to be connected of sharing data to improve health
Revolution. This revolution is distinct by mobile devices, with hitherto outcomes, have all been part of
from previous ones in that it affects unseen quantities of processing the WEF. Other visionaries have
the transformation of entire systems power, storage capacity and access contributed to the proceedings such
of production, distribution and to knowledge, are unlimited. This is as Wolfgang Ischinger on the area
truly shifting the power of the few to of global security and Dambisa Moyo
the power of the many and is without and Nouriel Roubini on the topic of
doubt the greatest disruptor we have global economic analysis. n
ever witnessed.
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