Page 10 - CSA Celebrity Speakers | CSA Speaker Bulletin January 2016
P. 10

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former       2016 is shaping up to be                     will continue on in 2016. In order to
NATO Secretary General and                      a turbulent year in global       reverse this trend, the world is in need
former Prime Minister of Denmark                politics. We are seeing a surge  of strong U.S. leadership with the
is a frequent speaker and lecturer              in terrorism; a Middle-East      support of liberal democracies from
on international leadership and      in disarray with the risk of further        across the globe.
geopolitical issues. He spoke to     escalation of the conflict in Syria and
us recently about how he sees        a growing divide between Shia and           Take Europe as an example. The EU
the global issues playing out in     Sunni. We’re facing an assertive Russia     needs to display more cohesion and
2016, the need for a strong US to    and the risk of maritime tensions in        work more closely with the United
work closely with the EU and NATO    the South China Sea. A slowing of           States. Alone the European nation
and the pivotal importance of the    the Chinese economy, and Europe             states are too small to make a
upcoming US Presidential elections   and Japan’s inability to improve their      difference. In concert, however, the
on the world.                        competitiveness and invoke consumer         EU member states can have a positive
                                     optimism, is reducing global demand         impact on international affairs. EU
                                     and challenging the resilience of the       unity and close cooperation with
                                     global economic recovery.                   the United States and NATO vis á
                                                                                 vis Russia is one of the key foreign
                                    Regrettably many of the problems             policy dossiers in 2016. The message
                                    the world was faced with in 2015             should be clear: cooperation pays and

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