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Lord Stern of Brentford Kt, FBA

Leading Global Economist and Chairman of the LSE Grantham Institute

Lord Nicholas Stern is the author of the seminal Review on the Economics of Climate Change and former Chief Economist at the World Bank. He is currently the IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government at the London School of Economics and Chairman of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment. In July 2012 Lord Stern was elected President of the British Academy which will be effective from July 2013.

"Europe, without further action, will soon be surpassed by countries like China and South Korea, as they invest heavily in low-carbon technologies."

Nicholas Stern of Brentford Kt, FBA

In detail

In addition to his role at the Grantham Institute, Lord Stern is the Director of the LSE Asia Research Centre, Director of LSE's India Observatory and is a member and senior advisor of the following organisations: UK Green Investment Bank Advisory Group, United Nations Secretary General's High Level Advisory Group on Climate Finance, The International Advisory Board of the China Investment Corporation, The High Level Group on Energy and Climate Change Advising President Barroso of the European Commission, and a Special Adviser to the Global Chairman of HSBC Bank on Economic Development & Climate Change.

What he offers you

In his speeches Lord Stern presents in-depth analysis and his views on the current economic climate. He talks about the risks posed by global climate change and the opportunities that are available to investors, companies and countries in investing in a low carbon future. In addition he has extensive knowledge on development in Africa, India and China and helps investors understand the economic and geo-political outlook in these regions.

How he presents

In his insightful presentations Lord Nicholas Stern provides an unparalleled level of in-depth analysis into all facets of the world's current economic landscape. He clarifies complex economic issues and looks not only at the factors affecting today's global markets but also at the factors which will affect organizations and global markets in the long term.


He presents in English.

Want to know more?

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  • The Economic Implications of Global Climate Change
  • Mid-Term Economic Growth
  • A New Industrial Revolution
  • The Consequences of Profound Changes in the International Division of Labour
  • Ethics and Economics


  • 2010
    Imperfections in the Economics of Public Policy, Imperfections in Markets and Climate Change. Journal of the European Economic Association.
  • Environmental Policy and the Economic Downturn. Oxford review of economic policy.
  • A Global Deal on Climate Change: a Possible Role for India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, India.
  • 2009
    Blueprint for a Safer Planet: How to Manage Climate Change and Create a New Era of Progress and Prosperity.


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